Brushlib is Ready for Translation
Andrew Chadwick, 2015-07-02, Blog
MyPaint is well on its way to feature and string freeze, but its brush library(libmypaint) is stable enough to be translated now.

You can help! The developers of WebLate, a really nice online translation tool, have offered us hosting for translations.
If you’re fluent in a language other than English, or know a FOSS-friendly person who is, you can help with the translation effort. Please share the link above as widely as you can, or dive in yourself and start translating brush setting texts. It’s a surprisingly simple workflow: you translate program texts one at a time resolving any discrepancies and correcting problems the system has discovered. Each text has a link back to the source code too, if you want to see where it was set up. At the end of translating into your language you get a nice fully green progress bar, a glowing sense of satisfaction, and your email address in the commit log ☺
If you want to help out and have good language skills, we’d really appreciate your assistance. Helping to translate a project is a great way of learning about how it works internally, and it’s one of the easiest and most effective ways of getting involved in the Free/Open Source culture and putting great software into people’s hands, worldwide.