List of posts made by the MyPaint project team
MyPaint's New Website
Aesara Binder 2025-02-27
Today we’re launching an updated website for the MyPaint project. Aside from a fresh theme, the site incorporates our user and developer documentation into a single source of truth. With the new website, all users can look forward to more intuitive navigation of our documentation. Contributors will enjoy a more coherent and consistent workflow for modifying documentation.
MyPaint v2.0.1 Released
Jesper Lloyd 2020-05-29
Bugs were squashed and things were made a bit better.
MyPaint v2.0.0 Released
Jesper Lloyd 2020-02-16
MyPaint v2.0.0 is now released! Head over to the release notes if you want more details about changes Here we’ll go into more depth about some of the changes, and things you should know as a user. Linear compositing, spectral blending, compatibility By default, MyPaint 2.0.0 uses linear compositing and spectral blending (pigment mode). This lends itself well to creating artwork emulating the use of traditional media.
MyPaint v2.0.0 Postponed
Jesper Lloyd 2020-01-31
Partly due to some issues with libmypaint that need to be sorted out, and partly due to some unfortunate heavy snowfall, the release of MyPaint v2.0.0 is postponed for 1-2 weeks. Although unfortunate, this does mean that our ardent translators have some more time to get those final changes in, and maybe also add themselves to the list of translators for their language. To do this, just edit the translation of the string translator-credits. This string should contain a list of names and year(s), optionally with an email address, like the following:
MyPaint v2.0.0-beta.0 Released
Jesper Lloyd 2019-12-20
For better or worse (probably better), we have now officially moved into beta! Read the release notes, download the version for your system and go find some bugs (preferably fixable ones).
MyPaint v2.0.0-alpha.13 Released
Jesper Lloyd 2019-11-09
A new alpha release is upon us, and we look back on the alphas in between.
libmypaint v1.4.0 released
Brien Dieterle 2019-09-01
We have just released libmypaint v1.4.0. Libmypaint is MyPaint’s brushstroke rendering code, in a form that can be used by other programs. You can download signed source for the library from the project’s github releases page, This release is mostly a maintenance and bug fix release, but there are several new inputs and settings mostly related to offsetting dabs.
MyPaint v2.0.0-alpha Released
Brien Dieterle 2019-01-26
We have a new alpha builds, that add a bunch of new features. We would like you to download them and test them out.
libmypaint v1.3.0 released
Andrew Chadwick 2016-12-02
We have just released libmypaint v1.3.0. Libmypaint is MyPaint’s brushstroke rendering code, in a form that can be used by other programs. You can download signed source for the library from the project’s github releases page, and a limited number of binary packages maintained by us will be available shortly from other places. See the release notes for details of other binaries, and please badger your distribution’s maintainers to get libmypaint included for their next release.
Fixes are in the pipeline for GDK Wintab
Andrew Chadwick 2016-11-20
I’ve been submitting a lot of patches to GDK recently, trying to get some of our Windows tablet bugs fixed up. The good news is that I think we’re turning the corner on reliability over there. Tilt should be working soon for fancy devices like the Intuos 5, and I’ve fixed a pair of really nasty crashers for non-Wacom devices. There was also a silly regression that caused pressure to be ignored depending on whether your tablet had an odd ID or an even one (don’t ask, but I’m hoping we’ll be able to close a ton of our own bug reports before long).
Bounty available for Surface Pro 3+4 pressure issues
Andrew Chadwick 2016-06-16
People wanting to use MyPaint fully on newer versions of the Surface Pro tablet are willing to pay a bounty for an important bug to be fixed. It’s one where our core development team don’t have hardware available for testing, so not much progress has been made yet. It’s up on Bountysource right now, if you’re intersted in getting this one fixed. You can help by backing the campaign, or claim the bounty by fixing the bug!
libMyPaint now uses autotools
Andrew Chadwick 2016-05-20
MyPaint’s brush engine, libmypaint, now needs to be built with autotools. This reduces its dependencies on things like Python, which is good for projects like GIMP which build against libmypaint. If you used to build MyPaint from git with special scons flags just to make libmypaint as a dependency for some other project, you don’t need to do that any more! This is pretty much the final stage of making libmypaint a fully independent module. To reflect its new status, we will be making formal releases of libmypaint shortly for other projects to build with.
Support for Ubuntu 14.04LTS to be discontinued
Andrew Chadwick 2016-05-03
MyPaint’s testing repository for Ubuntu systems will discontinue support for an important old Ubuntu release shortly. Ubuntu 14.04LTS, a.k.a. “Trusty Tahr”, will no longer be supported by us. If you are using this Ubuntu release, please upgrade to the latest LTS, 16.04 “Xenial Xerus” as soon as you can. Here’s how. As you probably know I’ve been maintaining the Ubuntu mypaint-testing PPA for several years, trying to support a broad range of Ubuntu releases. We currently have support for trusty (12.04LTS) thru xenial (16.04LTS) with the notable gap of utopic (14.10) right now. Shortly, support will be dropped for vivid (15.04) too.
MyPaint v1.2.1-beta.0
Andrew Chadwick 2016-04-02
We have a new prerelease out for you to test. When 1.2.1 is ready, it will be a minor bugfix release. We’re hoping to keep its beta cycle short, so please test this prerelease if you can, and send us feedback. Binaries are available right now for Ubuntu and Windows systems, and this prerelease is available in official source tarball form too. MyPaint v1.2.1-beta.0 can be downloaded from its release page on github or from the MyPaint-testing PPA.
MyPaint 1.2.0 now in Debian Sid
Andrew Chadwick 2016-02-02
MyPaint has been accepted into Debian, ready for arty Debianistas to test. This is great news for people using Ubuntu, Mint, or other Debian-derived distributions too, because those distros pick packages from Debian during their release cycles. Progress: Looks like a keen Debian developer has picked it up for integration. That’s very welcome news for me at least, since I now don’t need to find somebody with upload rights and convince them to upload my packages. Better still, pieces of the the debianization I’ve been maintaining for the Ubuntu PPA got incorporated into downstream, just as I was hoping.
MyPaint 1.2.0 Released
Andrew Chadwick 2016-01-15
It’s been a long time since the last stable release, but I’m really happy to announce that MyPaint version 1.2.0 is ready. Windows binaries will be available soon, and Ubuntu packages available for testing through the usual PPA. Expect releases for other operating systems and distros in due course. If you’d like to build MyPaint from source yourself, you can download an official, signed source code bundle on our GitHub releases page.
Community Forums Now Open
Andrew Chadwick 2015-12-09
MyPaint’s shiny new community forums site is open! We’ve set up a beautiful, clean and modern Discourse site in place of the aging old BBS that went dark recently. Whether you’re an old hand or a new user, come and help us build a fresh community of MyPaint users! If there’s interest, I’d like to start up a monthly art challenge before too long. Watch this site and the forums for details. We’re already seeking suggestions for the first art challenge’s theme. Please drop off your suggestions in the open suggestion thread and make your voice heard!
The State of MyPaint.Org
Albert Westra 2015-12-05
We’ve been working hard to get our replacement websites of MyPaint and our forums up and running. Here what’s been happening this past few weeks.
MyPaint 1.2.0-beta.3 Released
Andrew Chadwick 2015-11-21
A new beta is available for download and testing. Hopefully this will be the last beta before the final 1.2.0 release. Binaries are available for Ubuntu and Windows systems, and the release is available in source form too. MyPaint v1.2.0-beta.3 can be downloaded from its release page on github, or from the MyPaint-testing PPA. Changes since v1.2.0-beta.2 Suppress redraws during load and save (mypaint/mypaint#468) Better reporting when loading layer data from a GdkPixbuf file fails, especially relevant for external file editing (mypaint/mypaint#476) Translation updates Fix attempt for some multi-source based glitches (mypaint/mypaint#460, mypaint/mypaint#177), needs testing. Fix out-of-range tilt values (mypaint/mypaint#460) Close a loophole allowing an initialization race condition (mypaint/mypaint#485) Translations are optional for the Windows installer (mypaint/mypaint#348), as a workaround. The real fix for a bad translation is to get involved, and contribute your time and knowledge to make a better translation! It’s really easy to get translating: How to contribute better translations to MyPaint Reposition Layer is now in the layer context menu in the layers panel (mypaint/mypaint#489) Fix an annoying bug in the accelerator map editor (mypaint/mypaint#497) Assorted Windows build fixes. Known issues Mostly Windows tablet woes right now.
Final translation push for 1.2.0
Andrew Chadwick 2015-11-21
MyPaint is nearing its next stable release, v1.2.0, and that means it’s time to get the translations finalized. Today marks the start of a week-long translation effort for MyPaint, and we need your help! Translation status At the time of writing, the 33 languages we support are just under 50% translated. We’d like that figure to be much higher! Can we get to 55% or 60% within a week, or complete one or more of the smaller languages?
1.2.0-beta.0 released
Andrew Chadwick 2015-07-22
Hello everyone. I’m really happy to announce the first proper pre-release of MyPaint 1.2.0 for those brave early-bird testers out there. You can download it here. Windows and Ubuntu binaries are available, all signed, and the traditional signed canonical source tarball is there too for good measure. Sorry about the size of the Windows installers – we need to package all of GTK/GDK and Python on that platform too. (Don’t forget: if you find the translations lacking for your languages, you can help fix mistakes before the next beta over at Weblate)
Windows Porting
Andrew Chadwick 2015-07-19
I’m hoping that MyPaint will be able to support Windows fully starting with the first v1.2.0-beta release. This is made possible by the efforts of our own Windows porters and testers, and the dedicated folks who keep MSYS2 working so well. (image: The Inno Setup installer we’ll be using starting with the 1.2.0-beta releases.) Releases will start happening shortly (date TBA) on Github, and you’ll be able to pull down installer binaries for 32 bit and 64 bit Windows as part of this.
Translations Needed for 1.2.0
Andrew Chadwick 2015-07-13
MyPaint badly needs your language skills to make the 1.2.0 release a reality. Please help us out by translating the program into your language. We literally cannot make v1.2.0 a good release of MyPaint without your help, so to help you out we’ve made it as easy as we can for you to get involved by translating program texts. Translation status: (image: rosetta stone) The texts in the MyPaint application are in heavy need of updating for the 23 languages currently supported. If you’re fluent in a language other than English, and have a good working knowledge of MyPaint and the English language, then you can help our translation effort.
Frozen for 1.2.0
Andrew Chadwick 2015-07-13
Quick note to say that MyPaint is now frozen for the upcoming 1.2.0 release. Expect announcements here about dates for specific betas, plus previews and screenshots of new features; however the most current project status can be seen on our Github milestones page.
Brushlib is Ready for Translation
Andrew Chadwick 2015-07-02
MyPaint is well on its way to feature and string freeze, but its brush library(libmypaint) is stable enough to be translated now. You can help! The developers of WebLate, a really nice online translation tool, have offered us hosting for translations. Translation status: If you’re fluent in a language other than English, or know a FOSS-friendly person who is, you can help with the translation effort. Please share the link above as widely as you can, or dive in yourself and start translating brush setting texts. It’s a surprisingly simple workflow: you translate program texts one at a time resolving any discrepancies and correcting problems the system has discovered. Each text has a link back to the source code too, if you want to see where it was set up. At the end of translating into your language you get a nice fully green progress bar, a glowing sense of satisfaction, and your email address in the commit log ☺
Approaching String Freeze and Beta Release Cycle
Andrew Chadwick 2015-06-29
It’s time to start putting the next release together, folks! I would like to announce a freeze of all translated strings on Sat 11th July 2015, and then begin working on the first beta release properly. New features raised as a Github Pull Request by the end of Sat 4th July stand a chance of getting in, but midnight on that day is the deadline for new code submissions if they touch text the user will see on screen.
Tumblr Showcase Blog: Made with MyPaint
Andrew Chadwick 2015-03-21
Check out our showcase blog on Tumblr, Made with MyPaint! It reblogs all the best new art on Tumblr where our little program was used. (Image: Screengrab of the made-with-mypaint blog on tumblr) Go follow it now! It’s curated by one of our own, and we’d love suggestions for awesome SFW art you’d like to include: just ask via the blog.
MyPaint Wiki to Close Down in Approx. 2 Weeks
Andrew Chadwick 2015-03-06
The MyPaint wiki will be closed down shortly: our hosting provider will be closing down the server it runs on. That’s not necessarily a bad thing: it encourages us to migrate the content somewhere a little more central, and make hard-nosed decisions about what to keep and what to ignore that we’ve been putting off since forever (there has been so. much. spam.!) So, we’ll be migrating at least the user manual and the brushpacks page to our home on Github so that they can still be maintained. If you think that anything else should be retained, please go to
Development Activity is Moving to Github
Andrew Chadwick 2014-07-22
In just under a week’s time, on Sunday 27th July 2014, I’ll be moving MyPaint’s old Gitorious git repositories over to the new GitHub ones fully, and closing down the old location. For a while now we’ve been maintaining the codelines in parallel to give people some time to switch over and get used to the new site; it’s time to formally switch over now. If you haven’t yet changed your remotes over on existing clones, now would be a very good time to do that!
Brushlib is Now a Separate Module
Andrew Chadwick 2014-04-29
The MyPaint brushlib(libmypaint) is now maintained in a separate git repository. Its new home is also on Gitorious, so it hasn’t moved far! We’ve done this because there are more projects using this code, or wanting to use it, than just MyPaint. The MyPaint project now includes brushlib as a git submodule. The practical upshot of this for users is that you may see some unexpected errors if you’ve been tracking MyPaint development through git for a long time. If you’ve just updated your clone using “git pull”, and your build is failing due to a missing file:
MyPaint on Twitter: @MyPaintApp
Andrew Chadwick 2014-03-10
MyPaint now has a Twitter account, for announcements, Q&A, feature discussion and general development chatter. Follow us on @MyPaintApp!
MyPaint 1.1.0 Released
Martin Renold 2013-01-04
MyPaint 1.1.0 has been released. Check this libregraphicsworld article or David Revoy’s blog post to see what is new.
MyPaint 1.0.0 is Released
David Revoy 2011-11-22
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release! Downloads and Source Packages Packaging time already started but still not published yet, installer for various system (Win, Mac, Linux distribution) based on the 1.0 code source should appear shortly (encouragement for all the packager around who works hard on it). If you want to help check the packaging status here and talk with us via mailing list/forum/IRC channel. *-buntu users affraid to compile will probably enjoy to install the developpement ppa.
Windows Build is Back
David Revoy 2011-11-05
Just to tease a bit our Windows users about a good news: today Tumagonx on our IRC channel (#mypaint, FreeNode) posted a screenshot of a recent build of Mypaint running on a Windows operating system environment. This simply mean Mypaint 1.0 (coming soon) will also be available for this platform. Because we know many users waited for it, we wanted to share the good news immediately. Be patient until the future packaging and download available.
Many Thanks for the Screenshots
David Revoy 2011-09-09
Many thanks to all the contributors to my previous call for Mypaint screenshots Finally, it endend-up with more than 150 screenshots pictures from all around the world, with many various systems and artworks style. Many thanks again, Mypaint community!
Mypaint Needs your Screenshots
David Revoy 2011-08-31
Hi, I’m David Revoy (Deevad) and I’m new in the maintener team of Mypaint’s website . I start a project to add more screenshots to the “Screenshots” page of this website. So, If you are an artist or a user and want to do a small contribution to Mypaint, I started a little campaign. You can join and find more infos and guidelines on my webpage. All system, theme, type of art, skill, and artworks are accepted. For any question, use the comment system on my blog , you can even ask anonymously.
MyPaint at Libre Graphics Meeting 2011
Jon Nordby 2011-03-17
The Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) is the conference for developers and users of free and open source graphics applications. This years edition will be in Montreal, Canada between May 11th and 13th. All the biggest libre graphics projects like GIMP, Krita, Inkscape, Blender and Scribus are expected to be represented. The conference will include talks, panel discussions, workshops and birds-of-a-feather sessions, targeting both technical and artistic audiences. For more information, see the press release.
MyPaint 0.9.1
Martin Renold 2011-03-05
This is a bugfix release without any new features. Several problems with non-ASCII file names, directory names, and layer names have been fixed, as well as a number of other minor issues. Integration with the Windows platform has been improved. Downloads and Sources
MyPaint 0.9.0
Jon Nordby 2010-11-02
The new major release of MyPaint, version 0.9.0 is here! It has been 9 months since the last major release now, so it was about time. Hopefully the next cycle will be a bit shorter. Download and Sources Here are some of the highlights in MyPaint 0.9.0. New features Users can import and export brushes. This feature was developed mainly by Ilya Portnov. Ilya also added tilt support to the brush engine.
MyPaint 0.9.0 beta1
Jon Nordby 2010-10-11
MyPaint 0.9.0 beta1 has now been released. This release has most of the new features, changes and fixes that will be in MyPaint 0.9.0. A list of the improvements is unfortunately not available at this time, so just check it out instead ;) The final relase will be out in between 2 and 4 weeks time. Downloads We are now in string freeze for MyPaint 0.9.0, which means that it is time to do translations. We could always need more help with this, especially for supporting new languages. In addition we are in need of people who would like to write documentation. If you want to help out, please get in touch with us.
LGM 2010 Summary
Jon Nordby 2010-06-02
Here is a short summary of MyPaint related things form Libre Graphics Meeting 2010. The two most active MyPaint developers Martin Renold and [Jon Nordby] attended, along with a number of MyPaint community members like “Popolon” and “Vlada”. Also attending was serveral users, including some that use MyPaint professionally like Camille Bissue “Yagraph”. Sadly David Revoy, professional MyPaint user and concept artist on the Durian Open Movie project was not able to make it this year.
Libre Graphics Meeting 2010
Jon Nordby 2010-04-23
Libre Graphics Meeting, or LGM for short, is a conference for users and developers of free and open source graphics software. It brings together people from many projects, including Inkscape, GIMP, Krita and Blender, and aims to foster collaboration and sharing of ideas. This year, LGM is held in Brussels, Belgium between 27th and 30th of May. MyPaint will be represented, for the first time, by at least project leader Martin Renold and developer Jon Nordby. Obvious highlights so far includes Martins proposed technical talk on C/C++ extensions for Python and the planned OpenRaster BoF session. There will undoubtedly be many other interesting things going on when so many great people with similar interests come together.
0.8.2 Released
Martin Renold 2010-03-06
This is an ultra-conservative bugfix release. This fixes a regression in MyPaint 0.8.1, where temporary layers did not disappear, eg. when picking brushes from the canvas. Downloads and Sources
0.8.1 Released
Martin Renold 2010-03-06
This is a conservative bugfix release. A memory leak has been fixed that was keeping all layers ever visited in memory. Layer names are now loaded correctly. When saving PNG, layer visibility is now handled correctly. Other minor bugs were fixed, and the GUI has been translated into Korean. Downloads and Sources
0.8.0 Released
Martin Renold 2010-01-29
Finally we got MyPaint 0.8.0 released. There were many persons involved coding, creating new brushes and translating. Thanks to everyone who has contributed! My personal highlight are all the new brushes, nicely grouped and ready to be discovered. This happened even though the number of changes in the brush engine was near zero. Some brushes are even doing effects that I did not expect to be possible. More on the GUI side, appart from brush grouping there now is a layer list and a new color selector. You can also select brushes by pointing at a previous stroke (press w), and there is a way to draw straight lines (hold shift). The user interface has been translated into 14 languages.
State of MyPaint
Martin Renold 2009-10-30
Intrest around the MyPaint project seems to have increased lately, both from end users and contributors. I suspect this is both due to the software maturing and getting more publicity (especially thanks to David Revoy of the Durian project). We hope to see this trend continue! In and before version 0.7 practially all development was done by project lead Martin Renold alone. However, for the upcoming release I suspect that over half of the commits/code changes comes from others. And this is not due to Martin slacking off! Especially Ilya Portnov has done a lot of good work, but we also have significant contributions from 4-5 others. Needless to say, this is awesome.
0.7.1 Released
Martin Renold 2009-07-23
This is a bugfix release without any new features worth mentioning. Screen artefacts seen by Compiz users were fixed by limiting the cursor size. Windows specific bugs were fixed; we finally have a recent Windows binary again. This release does not contain the new features that are in git. Download and Sources
Developer Monologue: Short History of MyPaint
Martin Renold 2009-06-18
MyPaint v0.6.0 Okay, this is so that everyone can just stop asking why MyPaint, etc. Around 2004 I bought myself a wacom tablet, having checked that it should work with GIMP on Linux. It did work. With minor bugs and glitches. For example, GIMP would sometimes drop a stroke when scribbling too fast. I also thought I could paint more freely if the brush would react in different ways to pressure and velocity.
0.7.0 Released
Martin Renold 2009-06-07
This is not such a big restructuring release as 0.6.0 was, but it contains many incremental improvements and bugfixes. This release adds a color history, support for eliptical dabs, new brushes and background patterns. Other new functions (eg. merging layers) have been added. There were many bugfixes and usability tweaks. Download and Sources
0.6.0 Released
Martin Renold 2009-01-26
Finally, MyPaint development has gone stable again. After rewriting the surface code (tiled memory, 16bit precision, alpha channel) and changing the build system (automake to SCons) and getting rid of GObject C code (the new C++ extensions are a lot cleaner, STL-free, designed to be swig’able and don’t depend on GTK any more), everything is finally working again. The code is somewhat cleaner now, and there is even a self-contained brush library (LGPL) that translates tablet events into brush dab events.
New Pixel Format
Martin Renold 2008-11-21
GEGL (the upcoming GIMP backend) uses linear-light floating point as the main pixel format. Krita allows several colorspaces and color management through LittleCMS. What about MyPaint? Version 0.5.x uses 8bit sRGB without any alpha channel. Time for a change. I have settled now with a 16bit integer for each channel, permultiplied alpha, no linear light (gamma as in sRGB). The extra precision helps against the noise when blitting many faint dabs on top of each other. Here you can see the difference (click to enlarge):
The Previous Forum
Martin Renold 2008-04-05
The old forum has been locked for quite a while now because of spam problems. Let’s wish the new forum better luck. Personally I’m still not a big forum fan, so you will reach me faster via email (mailinglist or private). For bugs you can also start using the Gna Bugtracker if you prefer.
Ready, Set, Go...
thedarkmaster 2008-03-22
Here we are, the new MyPaint site is online and I hope you’ll enjoy it. I decided to help the project creating at least a nice looking website and trying to have more people focus their attention to this wonderful project, so please tell me if there’s anything I can get better about it, maybe in the forums, maybe on my place, wherever you wish! MyPaint’s website is hosted now by IntiLinuX Projects and we’ll also try to create fresh debs for this great tool, based on the latest code available. If possible, we’d love to set up a repository for you to stay updated if you use a Debian based distro (Debian, Ubuntu, etc.)! We also host a new forum, go visit it, subscribe and participate to the community life. So what else to say? I’m starting this trip with Martin just now, I hope it will last long and tha MyPaint will have some good input from all of this :)